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Kindle Paperwhite, Touch Screen Ereader with Wi-Fi, Paperwhite Display, Higher Resolution, Higher Contrast, Built-in Light

Kindle Paperwhite, Touch Screen Ereader with Built-in Light

Hi, thanks for visiting this blog again. As usually, we will always share positive things in this blog. And this time it is about the Kindle Paperwhite. Are You looking for this? Coincidence...

Brilliant Resolution

Our Paperwhite display offers 62% more pixels, and renders exceptionally sharp, clear text and images.

Stunning Contrast

Kindle Paperwhite's screen has 25% higher contrast. Crisp, dark text against a brilliant white background makes for the perfect read.

Innovative Built-in Light

Paperwhite guides light towards the display from above instead of projecting it out at your eyes like back-lit displays, thereby reducing screen fatigue. You can adjust your screen's brightness to create a perfect reading experience in all lighting conditions, from bright sunlight to bedtime reading.

Uncompromised Battery Life

A single charge lasts up to eight weeks, based on a half hour of reading per day with wireless off and the light setting at 10. Our breakthrough power management technology allows you to leave the light on at all times for the best possible contrast without sacrificing battery life.

Read in Bright Sunlight with No Glare

Kindle Paperwhite has a matte screen that reflects light like ordinary paper so you can read as easily in bright sunlight as in your living room with no glare.

Read at Night

With Kindle Paperwhite, reading in bed just got better. The patented built-in light illuminates the screen, not the entire room, so you won't disturb your partner when you can't put your book down at night.

Designed for Reading

Unlike a backlit tablet display, Kindle Paperwhite guides light towards the surface of the e-ink display from above so that the light never shines directly towards your eyes, allowing you to read comfortably without eye strain. The built-in light illuminates the screen more evenly than a book light or lighted cover.

Perfectly Balanced Whiteness

We worked on Kindle Paperwhite for over two years to perfect the uniformity of the built-in light, flattening out a fiber optic cable into a sheet, and nanoimprinting to ensure perfectly even distribution of light. Our design uses nanoscale optical diffractive patterns to enable tight control over the direction of the light. Enjoy reading with exceptional lighting uniformity and evenly balanced whiteness across the entire display. See how the screen looks in different lighting conditions.

Adjustable Brightness

Your eyes adapt to the amount of light around you, so you'll prefer dimmer light when reading in a dark setting and brighter light when reading in well-lit surroundings. You can adjust the brightness of Kindle Paperwhite across a wide spectrum - from low light to full brightness - so you can read comfortably in any setting.

Power Efficient

Because our patented technology enables fine-grain control over where the light is diffused, Kindle Paperwhite uses low-power LEDs, requiring very little power to evenly illuminate the entire screen.

Learn more here! Or click on the following image to buy it from Amazon!

Thanks for your time to read the review about Kindle Paperwhite, Touch Screen Ereader with Wi-Fi, Paperwhite Display, Higher Resolution, Higher Contrast, Built-in Light. Don't be bored to come back to my blog Go Bisnis Online. Have a nice day!


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