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Losses, if You do not immediately buy Twinkle now

The SafeZone announces the minimum value for TWNKL for payments in its system will be $0.10 US (10 CENTS). Huge news! Read all about it! Here is a snapshot of a Unicorn Network and SafeZone Announcement on webinar recap on February 24, 2018.

"As it has been discussed in recent and past Rainbow Currency webinars, SafeZone is in the process of integrating TWNKL payments for products and services within the SafeZone open network. Unicorn Network has committed to accepting TWNKL for payments for their entire network’s products and services.

The value that Unicorn Network brings to the table, as a global network with over 30 different projects, services, functions, and features, is huge. In addition, there is the value that Rainbow Currency brings to the table; backed by real value with SafeZone shares (once public), gold, the Unicorn Network and the SafeZone open network economies, founded and supported by the Power of “We”, designed with functionality and ease of use in mind for the masses, just to name a few. And, as we all know, the value seen in the public exchanges does not truly represent an honest value for TWNKL, since over 98% of all circulating coins are still being held by their owners. So with all of this in mind, Unicorn Network and SafeZone have made some decisions regarding how payments will be integrated into SafeZone for Rainbow Currency.

As the SafeZone is a project of Unicorn Network, Unicorn Network has decided to set a fixed rate for TWNKL payments made within the SafeZone open network through the service PernumPay, of 10 cents (US$0.10) per TWNKL to start. That means that any business selling products and services to be purchased with TWNKL through PernumPay (to be released soon), will also be accepting TWNKL at the same rate.

The rate has been calculated by taking the highest price seen thus far for TWNKL of just over 25 cents (US$0.25), (which still had not yet reached a true market valuation at the time this price was seen, as over 98% of Rainbow Currency holders were still holding their TWNKL at that time as well), compromising to arrive at the value of 10 cents (US$0.10) per TWNKL for payments made within SafeZone systems. The fixed price for TWNKL payments within the SafeZone systems and PernumPay will adjust as the market price increases over time.

This fixed starting price on accepting TWNKL for payments within the SafeZone, will allow for stable commerce to happen for participating businesses within the SafeZone open network. Additionally, the ability for businesses to use their TWNKL to purchase marketing products, packages, and services offered by SafeZone, such as those found on, and Marketing Instruments to be purchased through Cashback Marketing (coming soon), businesses can utilize these TWNKL payments from customers paying for their products and services, as their marketing budgets each year. Those purchasing TWNKL for the first time on the exchanges, also now know their TWNKL will provide more buying power within the SafeZone open network for everyday purchases. This synergy encourages more businesses to accept TWNKL and more customers to make purchases with TWNKL within the SafeZone open network.

Understand that while, of course, it is in Unicorn Network and SafeZone’s best interests to encourage the use of Rainbow Currency within the SafeZone, the reality of how many payments will be made is really just a small fraction of total payments made to any business in their national currencies. This is simply due to the supply of Rainbow Currency compared to the supply of various national currencies around the world. Compared to USD for example, there are trillions and trillions of dollars in the world, however the total supply of Rainbow Currency is fixed at 100 billion coins; and only about 40 billion of those coins are the circulating supply at this time, of which about 98% are held in private wallets. So, while sales volumes may vary depending on the business and the offers that customers are buying with TWNKL, total average sales will predominantly be much lower than sales made with national currencies.

Businesses who wish to accept TWNKL through the standard blockchain processes outside the SafeZone open network, are free to do so; there is no obligation for any business to take part in the SafeZone open network in order to accept TWNKL for payments; nor is there any obligation for any business that is a SafeZone third-party participating business to accept TWNKL. This is a voluntary action for those who are interested, where not prohibited by law."

So, You simply concludes and take action! Do not be late!!


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